Especially when you're not really doing any kind of work. Chris is working on a show with his peeps and once in a while I have to come with because there is a show afterwards and to come back and get me is just silly. But I can't just sit there while they get their creative juices flowing so I hide in one of the thousand Starbucks in the Los Angeles area (preferably close to wherever he is writing). Usually it's pretty nice to sit and have a four dollar cup of coffee while I watch netflix or a DVD but tonight it's different.
It's raining here in Los Angeles and when it rains here people FREAK OUT. They called it a "winter storm" and currently it's drizzling relatively hard. I can still see two feet in front of me and my umbrella somehow manages to hold the weight of the storm as well as not crumble under the "howling wind." Anyway this "rain" has made people flock to the local Starbucks on a Saturday night. It's kind of annoying. I am currently sharing a table with someone who is charging his phone and I keep seeing people glance over at my non-typing hands wondering when I'm going to leave. So I started typing in my blog incoherently. Like it? I'm sure you do. When I'm not simultaneously watching terrible TV and typing I'll be more entertaining I swear...
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