Tuesday, August 10, 2010


As I sit here and go through everything I own (OK the things in my apartment) I am on and off FREAKING OUT. It's all too soon (OK OK so it's a year in the making) and I can't believe the amount of crap I have compiled in my 25 years. I had planned on moving in October where I would have more time to thoughtfully say goodbye to my family, friends, city, and stuff. But now in a 2 short weeks I am leaving. Leaving the soft bosom of Chicago and throwing myself into an adventure of ginormous proportions. So as I whittle down my things so it can fit neatly into my tiny Honda Civic I am contemplating these things.

1) It's good to know that little Suzie was as much of a pack rat as big Suzie. Today I went through the last remnants of my childhood to find nothing really but random crap that was once special and bags and bags of garbage (literally). At least big Suzie doesn't shove garbage into places. I officially know what happens to chocolate after spending 10 years in a desk (it turns to brown strange dust that vaguely smells of what it once was).

2) As I say goodbye I know that I will never find as good as friends as I have in Chicago. The friendships I've cultivated here are once in a lifetime. I mean who still has their best friend from grade school, high school, and college at 25? Not many people. And for that matter who has such a supportive family that their mom will store the huge amount of crap I can't take and a dad who will drive with me out there?

3) How on earth have I kept SO MUCH SHIT? Seriously. I still had the St. Ignatius class of 2004 email address list. What? When have I ever, ever needed that? And why has it survived these 6 years?

4) While I am terrified, I know that I'm making the right decision. To get mushy I love Chris and I can't wait to start this part of my life. I won't be making much money and I plan on getting food stamps (what what) it'll be fun to live somewhere else and I can try and be a legit adult.

5) I have to be better at talking to people so I can keep my peeps in Chicago. Because I love them. And I'm too legit to quit.

1 comment:

  1. So, basically the only thing I hate, is that now I have to wait an extra TWO hours so I don't call you at a ridiculous time. Le sigh :P Depending on how life and certain things go, I might be applying for a job out there for next year (either LA or Chicago).

    Miss you!!
