Now to the ranting and reality that has struck since then.
So work hasn't been great as I have already stated. My partner and I aren't doing what we told we were going to be doing and everyday we feel pretty damn useless and watch the clock tick by until we leave. We've discussed the situation with everyone we can and it seems like things should improve by November but it's still relatively frustrating to want to do something for little money and still not able to do it.
That's not the worst thing however. The other day I found my first cockroach in our apartment. I have been afraid of this since moving out of the pristine apartment my mother rented to me. If you know my mother you are aware that she is a "mother of doom." She will list out all the ways terrible things can happen to you just so you are prepared. It's quiet terrifying and thoroughly effective. Well she listed roaches as one of my main concerns for moving to Los Angeles and I thought that I was perhaps safe when I found an apartment that was a steal and very clean. As I was signing away 13 months of my life my new landlord drops on me that they spray every year, and month depending on the need. "Are roaches a problem" I ask incredibly freaked out that I am now chained to this apartment, "not so much anymore but we want to make sure they stay away." As we move our things in I find a dead one and freak out. It's dead, Chris says, don't worry. For a month I don't really worry. It's always on my mind though because I am my mother's child. Then as I am cleaning our apartment and on the phone with my mother (of course while Chris is off being funny) I move some paper to find a little brown bug. I quickly get off the phone with my mom (who is just as grossed out as I am) and trap the bastard under a Tony the Tiger cup and freak out some more. I'm thoroughly disgusted and when Chris gets home we get the fucker into a Tupperware. We show the landlady and she agrees to spray us and the apartments around us. I talk to my mom about it and all she does is freak me out more about how they will infest everything I own and never leave my life. So if you think that this is a overreaction you can see why...
I get some roach motels and hope that they will work after they spray since my mother (and all the wikipedia pages about it) has told me, ever so awesomely, that spraying never ever works. It only keeps them away for a bit. I calmed myself down a bit because I do have to live here (thanks lease) and we start keeping the apartment immaculate. Then another asshole shows up in my bathtub this morning. I can't deal with it man. This is my nightmare since my mother has implanted the awful things that could be or are happening as we speak to my things. I don't feel comfortable in my own home and all I want to do is take my things from this apartment and live somewhere else. I want to bag all of my crap up so the evil vermin can't get inside and get out. But I can't. My lease is 13 months and because they are trying to get rid of them I have no legal way to get out of my lease unless my landlady lets me out. And we can't afford more than what we pay. So after a major freak this morning I have claimed war against the bastards. We'll have little roach hotels out and change them every three months. They supposedly will take the bait back to the nest and kill everyone else. Hopefully my mother can get us some of the pesticide that she uses in her apartments. I hate that I don't feel comfortable and I hate that I'm in this position and that I was dumb enough to not ask the landlady about it before I signed a lease. I asked the guy who showed the apartment to us and he said oh no, which was one of the many lies he told us. It makes me feel really dumb and I hate everything about it. The only thing I can do is fight it and keep everything I have wrapped up and be stringent. Ugh.
And on the note of my landlady... She's been really kind of weird. She's really nice but she wants to be friends and often crosses the line of landlord and tenant. So here I sit in my apartment feeling grossed out with roach motels everywhere and my phone buzzing with texts from the woman I rent from. It's not the worst thing that could have happened when I moved away but I'm not happy. But good things are that 1) our apartment is clean as hell and 2) I have been reminded of how awesome Chris is about pretty much everything. It's nice to live with him. He is my calm.
That's all for now. Sorry for the bitch session. I'll post more soon that will be better I promise.